A сітка для птиці is a special machine used to keep eggs warm and wet. These conditions are important because they help the eggs hatching into baby birds. Incubators are available to hatch chicken, duck, quail, and goose eggs. Similar to a mother hen, incubators create the right conditions for the eggs to develop.
Types: The incubators can have two types. The first is known as a forced-air incubator. This type has a fan that helps circulate the air, maintaining a constant temperature. The second type is known as a still-air incubator, meaning that it does not feature a fan. It only has heat radiating from one point. But of course the best incubator depends on the type of eggs you are hatching.
Features: Newer incubators often have additional features to assist with the hatching process. Some have a thermometer, to know how hot it is, while others have a gauge that tells you how humid the air is. Such tools help simplify the management of the hatching conditions for the eggs.
Humidity: The air surrounding the eggs should be humid. Poultry eggs should be kept at a humidity level of 40 to 60 percent for best hatching results. “What,” for example, “and then it can go up to even 70 percent sometimes.” Maintaining correct humidity is vital, as it allows the eggs to hatch correctly.
Hatching: Typically takes between 19 – 21 days to hatch. If you haven’t seen an egg hatch after 24 hours, it’s best to just pull it from the incubator. This helps ensure the remaining eggs have ample space and suitable conditions to hatch.
Incubators are designed to mimic the environment that a mother hen would be providing the fertilized eggs. When set up correctly, the incubator creates conditions close to perfect temperature, humidity, and fresh air. These conditions are perfect for the eggs to grow and later transform the yolk, which is enclosed in egg white, into a healthy baby chick.
Maintaining the appropriate temperature and humidity levels is also key. These characteristics help keep the embryo that will develop inside the egg healthy and makes for the best possible conditions for the egg to hatch out into a strong chick.