Why Use a Tomato Cage?
Tomatoes are wimpy little plants. As they mature, they can easily bend, or even fall over. Enter the tomato cage to rescue the day! A tomato cage is a durable structure of metal or wood. You put this cage around your tomato plant for support. The cage has dowels, or कार रेडिएटर stakes, that go into the ground to keep it up. The wires or slats that wrap around the plant aid in keeping it from toppling over or injuring itself as it matures.
Maintaining Your Garden (Tip #1)
As well as for plant maintenance, using the cage will also keep your garden clean and organized. As an unsupported tomato plant will splay all over the place This will use quite a bit of space and will make it difficult to service other plants in your garden. It can just make everything appear messy and cluttered. However, using a tomato cage allows you to train your plant to grow tall and not wide. Your garden will be तार बारहरू organized, and all your plants will have more room to grow warmly.
Avoiding Damage to Your Plant
Without the support of a cage, a tomato plant is likely to be damaged. Such as high wind gusts breaking branches, or wildlife munching leaves. Using a tomato cage gets your plant up off the ground and stabilized to prevent any squashing or breaking of the plant. It is like armor for your tomato plant. In addition, a cage can also protect against diseases. Tomatoes that makes contact with the bottom can get sick from dirt microbes. Providing your plant with a tomato cage not only keeps them healthier, but it also minimizes the risk of getting sick.
You have lots of options on what types of tomato cages to select from. Certain cages are wire, and others are wood धातु जाल Cages that appear to be round, tall and skinny, but you can figure out from the shape. Some cages can even be disassembled and packed away when not in use. So when you select what is the very best cage for your garden, include the dimension of your tomato plant in addition to where it is growing. Choose a smaller cage if your plant is petite.